On the Kavanaugh Nomination (as of Sept. 20, 2018)
Everyone who follows politics even lightly knows about Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his nomination to a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. He was chosen for that slot by the far right Federalist Society and the far rightist Tom McGahn, the not-much-longer-to-be White House Counsel, who was given to Trump primarily to be the filter of Federal court nominations at all levels as well as participating in the process of choosing cabinet and sub-cabinet nominees for positions from which they can procced to tear apart Federal regulations at levels, the Bannonite "Deconstruction of the Administrative State." McGahn has been very successful in carrying out both of those tasks.
Trump, Racism, and the Republican Party
Note: This is the fifth in an occasional series of columns that bear relevance to current events that I have published in the past both on OpEdNews and other sites. There is just a bit of editing here and there. As noted below, the original of this column was published just about a year ago, following the Charlottesville Horror and Trump's response to it.