A Trump-commentary Tweetstorm


Trump tweetstorms have become so commonplace, that most people don't even take shelter from them anymore. But in the light of the issuance of the Barr Report today (the Mueller Report, which should be much more interesting, is still to come, sometime down the road) to which "I'm-so-innocent" Trump responded with a massive, mainly negative, tweetstorm, I thought to do a tweetstorm of my own. And so here is a series of tweets on the subject of Trump, that I have posted, at twi tter.com/tpjmagazine, over the past several months, in reverse order, with very slight editing, here and there. Enjoy! (Or not!)

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine 42s43 seconds ago

https://www. businessinsider.com/trump-septembe r-11-interview-tallest-building-manhattan-2017-9 " Trump's 9-11 reaction?" Now I've got the tallest building in lower Manhattan." In the face of the Notre Dame fire, were there a Trump Tower in Paris, but one not as high as Notre Dame, would he now be saying: "Great. Now I have the tallest building in Paris?"

This one is about one of Trump's most loyal servants.

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine4s4 seconds ago

https://www. dailykos.com/stories/2019/4 /10/1849306/-Maxine-Waters-tells-Mnuchin-Please-do-not-instruct-me-as-to-how-I-am-to-conduct-this-committee?detail=emaildkreadtesttreatment ". Steve Mnuchin obviously has problems dealing with African-Americans except when they are his servants. For of course that is exactly how he tried to deal with Chairperson Waters. And being who she is, she would have none of it.

Steve Mnuchin debt. Ah. He and Trump have soooo much in common! (Image by ValueWalk) Details DMCA

Steve Mnuchin debt. Ah. He and Trump have soooo much in common!
Image by ValueWalk) Details DMCA

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine10s10 seconds ago

https://www. businessinsider.com/julian-assange -arrested-by-uk-police-ecuador-revokes-asylum-2019-4 ". The last person that Trump, Stone, Barr, Hannity, et al want to see on this side of the Atlantic, in a Federal courtroom, is Julian Assange. Of course, Chairman Schiff would love to have him testify under oath before the House Intelligence Committee.

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine2m2 minutes ago

https://www. nytimes.com/2019/04/08/nyr egion/trump-tax-returns-ny-state.html?partner=IFTTT ". New York State legislature to pass law permitting State Tax Dept. to release State tax returns to Cong. Comms., upon request. Aimed of course at Trump. Tea-Party Mick (Mulvaney) says Dems. will never see them. Just what are you so afraid of, Mick?

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine 2m2 minutes ago

https:// braincharm.com/2019/01/14/pas tor-in-favor-of-trumps-border-dream-claims-even-heaven-will-have-a-wall/?utm_source=AOLPartnership " . The Dominionist far-Right-Wing "pastor" Bob Jeffress proclaims that heaven is reserved for Trumpites. My God! If that's the case, who would ever want to go there?

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine 18s18 seconds ago

https://www. aol.com/article/news/2 019/02/15/trump-declares-national-emergency-to-fund-us-mexico-border-wall/23670537/ " . Classic Trump think: (if he gets John Roberts' vote) he's going to take $2.5 billion from Defense Dept. anti-drug progs. to fund his (race)-wall --- to fight --- drug smugglers. And his "base" cheers. This is the US Trump-world we live in, folks.

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine 2m2 minutes ago

https://www. foxnews.com/politics/trump -says-mueller-report-should-be-made-public-as-end-of-investigation-draws-near " The most dangerous thing Trump said in commenting on the Mueller investigation, Sessions, Rosenstein, etc. was not that he won't believe any of it. It was that neither will "My Voters." One wonders when his voters will begin to refer to him as "My Leader."

Heil Kittler! (Image by Robin Iversen) Details DMCA

Heil Kittler!
Image by Robin Iversen) Details DMCA

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine2m 2 minutes ago

"White nationalism" is the current polite term for what has usually been called racism, with healthy doses of xeno- and Islamo-phobia thrown in. Trump ran and won on it: https://www. opednews.com/articles/Race- remains-the-Trump-Car-by-Steven-Jonas-Krugman_Obama_Race_Republican-180906-679.html ". Trump knows that. THAT'S why he will never condemn "white nationalism."

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine2m2 minutes ago

https:// thinkprogress.org/trump-conserva tives-tougher-violence-threat-6932aa97b24d/ ". A prime feature of fascism is the use of violent, armed force, uniformed and otherwise, to gain and defend expansive executive power. Given this news, is there anyone who still thinks that Trump is NOT a fascist (https://www. opednews.com/articles/21st- Century-Fascism-Trum-by-Steven-Jonas-Definitions_Dominionism_Fascism_Goldwater-180110-110.html ")? Anyone?

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazineFeb 21

It's Not About the Wall: https://www. opednews.com/articles/It-s- Not-About-the-Wall-by-Steven-Jonas-Birtherism_Election_Far-right_Fascist-190222-400.html "

And let's finish up with one that has particular relevance today:

thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazineFeb 21

https://www. washingtonpost.com/world/national -security/justice-department-preparing-for-mueller-report-in-coming-days/2019/02/20/c472691c-354b-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html?utm_term=.879da981d22e&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1 ". A.G. Barr chosen by Trump for one reason: to cover-up/squash Mueller Report, with possibly a bland summary issued. Full Report will then be subpoenaed by House Dems. Case will go to Supreme Court. John Roberts will become the single most powerful man in the U.S., and indeed one of the most powerful in U.S. history.

(Article changed on April 19, 2019 at 01:45)


A Tale of Two Mueller Reports


On the Road to Dictatorship